Children suffering from chronic illnesses like autism spectrum disorder, obesity, vision impairment, asthma, diabetes, etc., need special care and attention. Although parents and caregivers want them to become independent, they have certain emotional needs that need to be addressed. It can become challenging for working parents and busy caregivers in…
Children suffering from chronic illnesses have to deal with a lot of emotional and physical stress. They have to regularly visit their practitioner in Brisbane, undergo painful treatments and miss school frequently. It can make them lag behind other children at school and affect their confidence. They may struggle to adjust…
14 Apr, 2024
Children are sensitive and can sense stress and antagonistic behaviour. Thus, when they are diagnosed with a chronic illness, it can make them feel vulnerable and emotional. The pent-up feeling can impact their behaviour and personality, which can drive people away. It is vital for parents to understand the precarious…
29 Mar, 2024